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The A-Team

It takes a village.

Geoff Slaughter

Geoff Slaughter

CEO & Co-Founder

Relationship, Contracts, Finance, Compliance, Project (broad)

Theo Radu

Theo Radu

CTO & Co-Founder

Software Engineering & DevOps, Infrastructure, vendor management

Vicky Brentnall

Vicky Brentnall

Non-Exec Director

Board Adviser, Strategy & Markets, Mentor, wrangler of founders

David Masters

David Masters

Principal Engineer

Software Engineering & Devops, Infrastructure, Service Desk: 3rd Line

Cathy Wallace

Cathy Wallace

Head of Client Services

Relationship, Project management, Scrum, Service Desk: 1st Line

Matt Kimber

Matt Kimber

Principal Engineer

Software Engineering & Devops, Infrastructure, Service Desk: 3rd Line

Katie Cox

Katie Cox

Executive Assistant

Organisation for the founders and support to the team

Daryl Robinson

Daryl Robinson

Customer Service Intern

Client relationships, social media, Service Desk: 1st Line

Alex Kafetz

Alex Kafetz

BrandPipe Associate: Health

Board Adviser and Industry Liaison

Emma Doyle

Emma Doyle

BrandPipe Associate: NHS

Board Adviser, NHS and Industry Liaison

Tim Wolfenden

Tim Wolfenden

BrandPipe Associate: Australia

Board Adviser, Leadership Mentor, New Markets

Could this be you?

Could this be you?

BrandPipe Associate: Finance

Could this be you?

Could this be you?

BrandPipe Associate: Africa Region

Could this be you?

Could this be you?

BrandPipe Associate: North America

Could this be you?

Could this be you?

BrandPipe Associate: Europe

4 Day Week accreditation badge