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Data Protection Notice drafting

Version 2.4

This guidance was last updated on 11 July 2024.
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It is important to tell you that we take your privacy very seriously and that we have completed our EU wide General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) compliance processes. Whether you are a member of the public, client, employee, supplier, or work with us in any capacity we will ensure to keep your personal information safe.

This means that we promise to keep your data secure and will not share with anyone except where this is necessary to fulfil our commitments to you or as required by law. We will always act in your interests and ensure you get the best possible care. We will only store your details for as long as necessary and will dispose of any data securely when no longer required.

We will of course respect your rights under the data protection regulations, ensuring that your information is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the data protection laws as defined in the GDPR and all other applicable regulations and kept safe at all times.

Please take a look at our full privacy policy and contact us if you have any questions, comments, or requests. We will of course send you copies of your data, delete, or rectify your data as you request and always act within the rules defined in GDPR.