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Combatting Fraud

BrandPipe is a business to business supplier where our engagements result in the issuing of invoices that are settled by our client's finance teams via a direct bank transfer. The work we do is senstive, security tested and trusted by our clients.

We don't use a credit card charge facility

We do not, and have never applied automatic charges to a client's bank account or credit card. We are aware of a case in July 2024 where an unknown merchant created an account with the name 'WWW.BRANDPIPE.CO.UK' using this to charge the credit card of a member of the public.

We have no relationship with this nefarious merchant and have spoken directly to the person affected. We support them in reporting the matter to the police and raising a dispute with their credit card company.

An imposter charging a member of the public

A screenshot from the affected person.
Open image in new window

Have you been a victim of fraud?

If you believe you have been a victim of this fraud, please contact to let us know so we can report every incident to UK police, Action Fraud and stop these arseholes from doing harm to anyone else. Abuse of this email address (e.g. for marketing purposes) will result in a permanent blocking.

We defend our trademark

'BrandPipe' is registered as a trademark with the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO). We vigourously defend unauthorised use and pursue anyone impersonating BrandPipe.